About our Family

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Welcome to Our Homeschooling Blog

Welcome to our homeschooling blog. The purpose in starting this blog is to keep our family members and friends from afar, updated on our adventures in homeschooling. If you don't know us, and just stumbled upon our homeschooling blog, let me take a second to introduce ourselves:
Cameron and Maudie
We're the very blessed Daddy and Momma of 7,
soon to be 8, children.

From Left to Right:
The young ladies at the homestead are:
Jodee (17), Taylor (15), and Emily (5)
Not pictured is our 16 year old daughter Savannah, 
and our newest addition to the family, due to 
arrive July 2015~ Sarah Elizabeth

From largest to smallest:
The young men on the homestead are:
James(11), Jackson (4), and Jonas (2)                                                               

As of September 2015, I will be homeschooling 6 of our 7 children and our family will be a sweet soul larger, as our little Sarah Elizabeth joins our family. I have high hopes posting at least once a week, probably Fridays, to keep everyone informed about whats going on here in our schooling and at home. We look forward to sharing our adventures with you all and I hope that I can be an encouragement to someone else who is also in the trenches with littles and bigs! Its quiet the adventure, but a rewarding task none the less. I thank God daily that this is where He has me and that I have the opportunity and privilege of raising these children to hopefully one day serve Him in all they do. So stay tuned and look for updates through the summer as well. Ill try to post often!

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